


Medical Assistant-Based Care Management for High-Risk Patients in Small Primary Care Practices: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

Author: Freund, T. Country/countries: Germany Number of patients participating in the study: 543 This study was focused on patients living with COPD
Intervention analysed in the study: Usual Care Plus Intervention components: UCP
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Setting of implementation: Primary care centers (GPs) Professionals delivering the intervention: N/A Targeted self-management behaviours: N/A
Intervention analysed in the study: Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques Intervention components: E+MT+AB
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Setting of implementation: Primary care centers (GPs) Professionals delivering the intervention: Healthcare assistant, Physicians Targeted self-management behaviours: Asking for professional help or emergency care when needed, Self-monitoring

Outcomes measured in the study

Outcome Measure Tool
Number of emergency room visits and admissions All-cause hospital admissions N/A
Number of emergency room visits and admissions Hospital days (Lenght of stay) N/A

Patient characteristics

Age: N/A Gender: N/A Time since diagnosis of COPD: N/A Severity of the disease: N/A Multi-morbidity: N/A
  • Number of co-morbidities: N/A

Level of health literacy: N/A
  • Tool: N/A

Socio-economic characteristics: N/A

Risk of Bias of this study

Outcome Random sequence generation Allocation concealment Blinding performance Blinding detection objective outcomes assessment Attrition incomplete outcome Incorrect statistical methods Recruitment bias Selective outcome reporting
Number of emergency room visits and admissions - All-cause hospital admissions
Number of emergency room visits and admissions - Hospital days (Lenght of stay)