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Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Impact of Weight on Quality of Life- Lite questionnaire (IWQOL) Obesity 4
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) Obesity 21
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Obesity Loss Quality of Life (OWLQLO) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Obesity Related Well-being (ORWELL-97) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) Obesity 3
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life EuroQoL (EQ-5D) - generic HRQoL Obesity 9
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life EuroQol Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-5D VAS) Obesity 7
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life The Veterans Research and Development 12-item Health Survey (VR-12) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL BRiEF) Obesity 5
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Profile of Moods Scale (POMS) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Obesity 5
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Short Form (SF)-12 Obesity 12
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Short Form 8 (SF-8TM) Health Survey Obesity 2
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Global Quality of Life Scale (GQOL) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) Obesity 0
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) Obesity 2
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) Obesity 2
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Red Lotus Health and Well-Being Questionnaire (RL-QOL) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Swedish Health-Related Quality of Life Survey (SWED-CNJAL) Obesity 1