Does early pulmonary rehabilitation reduce acute health-care utilization in COPD patients admitted with an exacerbation? A randomized controlled study
Eaton, T.
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
COPD symptoms (short term), Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Number of emergency room visits and admissions, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Does home-based exercise improve body mass index in patients with type 2 diabetes?. Results of a feasibility trial
Krousel-Wood, M. A.
Monitoring, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Quality of life, Weight (management)
Does nutritional education improve the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among elderly patients with type 2 diabetes? A randomized controlled trial based on an educational model
Sharifirad, G.
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support
Blood-pressure, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
Does pulmonary rehabilitation give additional benefit over tiotropium therapy in primary care management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Randomized controlled clinical trial in Hong Kong Chinese
Lindsay, M.
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
COPD symptoms (short term), Lung Function, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Does self-management counseling in patients with heart failure improve quality of life? Findings from the Heart Failure Adherence and Retention Trial (HART)
Grady, K. L.
Heart Failure
Education delivered remotely
Monitoring, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Hospital admissions, Mortality
Does Telephone Follow-Up and Education Affect Self-Care and Metabolic Control in Diabetic Patients?
Aytekin Kanadli, K.
Monitoring techniques delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Self-management behaviours, Weight (management)
Does treatment of subsyndromal depression improve depression-related and diabetes-related outcomes? A randomised controlled comparison of psychoeducation, physical exercise and enhanced treatment as usual
Pibernik-Okanovic, M.
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques, delivered in groups
Education delivered in groups
Dietary habits, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Physical activity, Quality of life, Self-management behaviours, Self-monitoring
Does using the Internet facilitate the maintenance of weight loss?
Harvey-Berino, J.
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Weight management
Do individual, online motivational interviewing chat sessions enhance weight loss in a group-based, online weight control program?
West, D. S.
Monitoring techniques and action-based behavioural techniques, delivered in groups, remotely
Monitoring techniques, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques, and shared decision making, delivered in groups, remotely
Self-monitoring (Including self-recording), Weight management
Dosage effects of diabetes self-management education for Mexican Americans: the Starr County Border Health Initiative
Brown, S. A.
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
HbA1C, Knowledge
Dose-response and self-efficacy effects of an exercise program on vigor change in obese women
Annesi, J. J.
Action-based behavioural techniques
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Coping with the disease, Self-efficacy
Do the benefits gained using a short-term pulmonary rehabilitation program remain in COPD patients after participation?
Karapolat, H.
Emotional-based behavioural techniques
COPD symptoms (short term), Lung Function, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Dulce Digital: An mHealth SMS-Based Intervention Improves Glycemic Control in Hispanics With Type 2 Diabetes
Fortmann, A. L.
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
Dulce Wireless Tijuana: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluating the Impact of Project Dulce and Short-Term Mobile Technology on Glycemic Control in a Family Medicine Clinic in Northern Mexico
Anzaldo-Campos, M. C.
Action-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Knowledge, Lipid profile, Quality of life, Self-efficacy, Self-management behaviours, Weight (management)
Dyadic collaboration in shared health behavior change: the effects of a randomized trial to test a lifestyle intervention for high-risk Latinas.
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Weight management
Dyadic collaboration in shared health behavior change: The effects of a randomized trial to test a lifestyle intervention for high-risk Latinas
Sorkin, D. H.
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Dietary habits, Weight (management)
Eat, Pray, Move: A Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Multilevel Church-Based Intervention to Address Obesity Among African Americans and Latinos
Derose, K. P.
Monitoring techniques delivered in groups
Comorbidities managament, Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Physical Activity, Weight management
A self-management education program including an action plan for acute COPD exacerbations
Sedeno, M. F.
Action-based behavioural techniques
Number of emergency room visits and admissions, Qualiy of life
Disease management program for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trial
Rice, K. L.
Emotional-based behavioural techniques
Mortality, Number of emergency room visits and admissions, Qualiy of life
Education and telephone monitoring by nurses of patients with heart failure: randomized clinical trial
Domingues, F. B.
Heart Failure
Monitoring techniques and social support
Hospital admissions, Knowledge, Mortality