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HST counts the number of pills to assess the medication adherence. The number of pills or doses taken were divided by the number of pills or doses prescribed, multiplied by 100 (expressed as a percentage). A good adherence is considered when the result of counting is between 80% (20% loss of doses/pills) and 110% (the patient consumes 10% more doses/pills) of doses/pills prescribed.
Year: 1975 Authors: Sackett et al Disease: T2DM Outcome: Adherence
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Measure: Medication (or other treatment) adherence
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Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 3
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Scale: Higher scores are better Reference: Sackett, D. L., Haynes, R. B., Gibson, E. S., Hackett, B. C., Taylor, D. W., Roberts, R. S., & Johnson, A. L. (1975). Randomised clinical trial of strategies for improving medication compliance in primary hypertension. Lancet (London, England), 1(7918), 1205–1207.
Target population: General population Focus Generic Notes Patients on medication Translations available: Yes Original version validated: Yes Original language: English Form of delivery: Self-reported Licence needed: No 10.1016/s0140-6736(75)92192-3