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The MMAS-8 is and 8-item validated self-reported measure of medication taking behaviour for any condition. The total score ranges from 0 to 8. A score of 0 is considered “high” adherence,” 1 to 2 is considered “medium” adherence, and >2 is considered “low” adherence”.
Year: 1986 Authors: Morisky et al Disease: T2DM Outcome: Adherence
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Measure: Medication (or other treatment) adherence
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Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 5
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Scale: Lower scores are better, scores range 0-8 Reference: Morisky, D. E., Green, L. W., & Levine, D. M. (1986). Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Medical care, 24(1), 67–74.
Target population: General population Focus Generic Notes Patients on medication Translations available: Yes Original version validated: Yes Original language: English Form of delivery: Self-reported Licence needed: Yes 10.1097/00005650-198601000-00007