
COMPAR-EU Meetinstrumenten en Tools Web

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Quality of life Quality of life The neuropathy and Foot Ulcer Specific Quality of Life (FS-QoL) T2DM 1
Quality of life Quality of life The Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale-HF Heart Failure 1
Self-efficacy Self-efficacy The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) Obesity 0
Participation and decisions making Shared decision-making The Important Other Climate Questionnaire (IOCQ)) Obesity 1
Knowledge Knowledge The Foot Care Knowledge Questionnaire T2DM 1
Physical activity / Muscle strenght Exercise capacity The endurance shuttle walk (ESWT) COPD 11
Participation and decisions making Shared decision-making The Degner Control of Preferences Scale Heart Failure 0
Coping with the disease Coping with the disease the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) Obesity 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Stress The Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) Obesity 1
Self-efficacy Exercise self-efficacy The Barriers-specific Self-Efficacy Scale (BARSE) T2DM 1
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety Anxiety Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) Anxiety domain COPD 2
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety Depression Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL) _depression subscale COPD 1
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning Quality of Life Swedish Health-Related Quality of Life Survey (SWED-CNJAL) Obesity 1
Self-management behaviours Foot care Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) [Blood Sugar Testing] T2DM 12
Self-monitoring Glucose self-monitoring Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) [Blood Sugar Testing] T2DM 35
Physical activity / Muscle strenght Steps a day steps a day (pedometer) COPD 10
Physical activity Physical activity Standford Exercise Behaviors scale T2DM 1
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety Anxiety Standard Checklist 10-item Anxiety Measure (SCL-10A) for anxiety COPD 1
Health literacy Health literacy Spoken Knowledge in Low Literacy in Diabetes Scale (SKILLD) T2DM 1
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety Anxiety Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) COPD 4