

No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
COMRADE: A randomized trial of an individually tailored integrated care intervention for uncontrolled type 2 diabetes with depression and/or distress in the rural southeastern US. Lutes, LD Obesity
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers delivered remotely
Adherence to programme, Comorbidities managament, Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning, Weight management
Construct Validation of a Program to Increase Use of Self-regulation for Physical Activity among Overweight and Obese Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Petosa, R. Lingyak Obesity
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and shared decision making, and social support

Monitoring techniques
Continuous glucose monitoring counseling improves physical activity behaviors of individuals with type 2 diabetes: A randomized clinical trial Nancy A. Allen T2DM
Action-based behavioural techniques

Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Physical activity, Self-efficacy, Weight (management)
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Versus Usual Care in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Receiving Multiple Daily Insulin Injections: A Randomized Trial Beck, R. W. T2DM
Education based intervention
HbA1C, Quality of life
Contribution of family social support to the metabolic control of people with diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial Gomes, L. C. T2DM
Emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
Contribution of Structured Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose to the Glycemic Control and the Quality of Life in Both Insulin- and Noninsulin-Treated Patients with Poorly Controlled Diabetes Kan, K. T2DM
Monitoring techniques
HbA1C, Quality of life
Controlled outcome evaluation of the First Step Program: a daily physical activity intervention for individuals with type II diabetes Tudor-Locke, C. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Physical activity, Weight (management)
COPD education and cognitive behavioral therapy group treatment for clinically significant symptoms of depression and anxiety in COPD patients: A randomized controlled trial Kunik, M. E. COPD
Education delivered in groups

Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
COPD symptoms (short term), Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Effectiveness of a Peer Support Programme versus Usual Care in Disease Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 regarding Improvement of Metabolic Control: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial Johansson, T. T2DM
Social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Quality of life, Smoking cessation, Weight (management)
Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a structured collaborative disease management in the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study Neumann, A. Heart Failure
Action-based behavioural techniques and social support
Hospital admissions, Mortality, Quality of life
Cost-Effectiveness of a Home Visit Program for Patients with Heart Failure in Brazil: Evidence from a Randomized Clinical Trial Ruschel, K. B. Heart Failure
Shared decision making
Hospital admissions, Knowledge, Mortality, Self-efficacy
Cost effectiveness of an outpatient multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation programme Griffiths, T. L. COPD
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques, delivered in groups
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Cost-effectiveness of a nurse facilitated, cognitive behavioural self-management programme compared with usual care using a CBT manual alone for patients with heart failure: secondary analysis of data from the SEMAPHFOR trial Mejia, A. Heart Failure
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Hospital admissions
Cost-effectiveness of a transitional home-based palliative care program for patients with end-stage heart failure Wong, F. K. Y. Heart Failure
Action-based behavioural techniques and social support
Breathlessness (Dyspnea), Hospital admissions, Quality of life
Cost-effectiveness of nurse-led disease management for heart failure in an ethnically diverse urban community Hebert, P. L. Heart Failure
Monitoring techniques
Hospital admissions, Quality of life
Cost-effectiveness of reducing glycaemic episodes through community pharmacy management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Hendrie, D. T2DM
Action-based behavioural techniques and shared decision making
Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycaemia
A community-based exercise programme in COPD self-management: two years follow-up of the COPE-II study Zwerink, M. COPD
Education delivered in groups

Monitoring techniques delivered in groups
COPD symptoms (short term), Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Cost of medical services in older patients with heart failure: those receiving enhanced monitoring using a computer-based telephonic monitoring system compared with those in usual care: the Heart Failure Home Care trial Soran, O. Z. Heart Failure
Monitoring techniques delivered remotely
Hospital admissions, Mortality
Cost-saving effect of supervised exercise associated to COPD self-management education program Ninot, G. COPD
Education delivered in groups
COPD symptoms (short term), Number of emergency room visits and admissions, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Cost-sparing effect of twice-weekly targeted endurance training in type 2 diabetics: A one-year controlled randomized trial Brun, J. F. T2DM
Monitoring techniques
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Quality of life, Weight (management)