

No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
Rethink Organization to iMprove Education and Outcomes (ROMEO): A multicenter randomized trial of lifestyle intervention by group care to manage type 2 diabetes Trento, M. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile
A randomised controlled clinical trial of nurse-, dietitian- and pedagogist-led Group Care for the management of Type 2 diabetes Trento, M. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Quality of life, Weight (management)
Lifestyle intervention by group care prevents deterioration of Type II diabetes: a 4-year randomized controlled clinical trial Trento, M. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
Effect of an action plan with ongoing support by a case manager on exacerbation-related outcome in patients with COPD: a multicentre randomised controlled trial Trappenburg, J. C. COPD
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and shared decision making
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Exacerbation, Number of emergency room visits and admissions, Qualiy of life