

No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
Effectiveness of picture description education on compliance behaviors of diabetics in western Sichuan district Jiang, R. T2DM
Education delivered in groups

Education delivered in groups
HbA1C, Hypoglycaemia, Knowledge
The effect of care intervention for obese patients with type II diabetes Jiang, X. T2DM
Monitoring techniques, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques, delivered in groups, remotely
HbA1C, Weight (management)
Peer supporters for cardiac patients with diabetes: A randomized controlled trial Jo Wu, C. J. T2DM
Emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support lead by peers
Knowledge, Self-efficacy, Self-management behaviours
Effect of an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention on Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial Johansen, M. Y. T2DM
Monitoring and emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Physical activity, Weight (management)
Effects of structured hospital-based care compared with standard care for Type 2 diabetes-The Asker and Baerum Cardiovascular Diabetes Study, a randomized trial Johansen, O. E. T2DM
Monitoring techniques delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Physical activity, Smoking cessation, Weight (management)
Effectiveness of a Peer Support Programme versus Usual Care in Disease Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 regarding Improvement of Metabolic Control: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial Johansson, T. T2DM
Social support lead by peers delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Quality of life, Smoking cessation, Weight (management)
Improved cardiovascular health following a progressive walking and dietary intervention for type 2 diabetes Johnson, S. T. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups
Blood-pressure, Dietary habits, HbA1C, Physical activity, Weight (management)
Improving adherence and outcomes in diabetic patients Joshi, R. T2DM
Education based intervention