Ruta de navegación


No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
A pilot test of an integrated self-care intervention for persons with heart failure and concomitant diabetes Dunbar, S. B. Heart Failure
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Knowledge, Quality of life, Self-efficacy
A Postpartum Community-Based Weight Management Intervention Designed for Low-Income Women: Feasibility and Initial Efficacy Testing Berry, D. Obesity
Monitoring, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Physical Activity, Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning, Self-efficacy, Weight management
Application of BASNEF educational model for nutritional education among elderly patients with type 2 diabetes: Improving the glycemic control Sharifirad, G. T2DM
Action-based behavioural techniques
HbA1C, Knowledge
Application of telemedicine in obesity management Tarraga Marcos, M. L. Obesity
Monitoring techniques
Weight management