Ruta de navegación


No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention v. standard care in adults with type 2 diabetes immediately after initiating insulin therapy Rachel Barratt T2DM
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Blood-pressure, HbA1C, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
WellDoc mobile diabetes management randomized controlled trial: change in clinical and behavioral outcomes and patient and physician satisfaction Quinn, C. C. T2DM
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely
Automated Telephone Self-Management Support for Diabetes in a Low-Income Health Plan: A Health Care Utilization and Cost Analysis Quan, J. T2DM
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely

Education based intervention
Scheduled care, Unscheduled care
Benefits of yoga for African American heart failure patients Pullen, P. R. Heart Failure
Emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups
Body Weight (Management), Physical Activities, Quality of life
Feasibility of Internet-delivered weight loss interventions among rural women ages 50-69 Pullen, C. H. Obesity
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely

Monitoring techniques, action-based behavioural techniques and social support, lead by peers, delivered in groups, remotely
Comorbidities managament, Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Physical Activity, Weight management
Usefulness of frailty profile for targeting older heart failure patients in disease management programs: A cost-effectiveness, pilot study Pulignano, G. Heart Failure
Monitoring techniques
Hospital admissions, Mortality
Weight management in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A randomized controlled trial of two dietary approaches Ptomey, L. T. Obesity
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and shared decision making, and social support

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and shared decision making, and social support
Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Weight management
The Feasibility of Health Trainer Improved Patient Self-Management in Patients with Low Health Literacy and Poorly Controlled Diabetes: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Protheroe, J. T2DM
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques, lead by peers
Quality of life, Scheduled care, Self-management behaviours, Unscheduled care