

COMPAR-EU Instrumente Web

The SRQ consists of 63 items which are answered on a 5-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree). The SRQ evaluates subjects’ self-regulation of behavior, understood as the ability to plan and manage their own behavior in a flexible way, according to the desired outcomes. It has7 scales: (1) informational input, which refers to the ability of a person to obtain information from their environment on their current state; (2) self-evaluation, for which the information is used in comparison with personal goals, rules and expectations; (3) instigation to change, wherein the person perceives whether or not there are discrepancies between their current state and their desired state; (4) search for alternatives, with the aim of reducing discrepancies; (5) planning for change, referring to the strategies or actions for carrying out the process of change; (6) implementation of strategies for change; and (7) goal attainment evaluation plan.
Year: 1999 Authors: Brown Disease: COPD Outcome: Patient activation
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Measure: Patient activation
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Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 1
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Scale: Higher scores are better Reference: Brown, J. M., Miller, W. R., & Lawendowski, L. A. (1999). The self-regulation questionnaire. In L. VandeCreek & T. L. Jackson (Eds.), Innovations in clinical practice: A source book, Vol. 17 (p. 281–292). Professional Resource Press/Professional Resource Exchange.
Target population: General population Focus Generic Notes Also used in adolescent populations Translations available: Yes Original version validated: Yes Original language: English Form of delivery: Self-reported Licence needed: No