

No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
COPD education and cognitive behavioral therapy group treatment for clinically significant symptoms of depression and anxiety in COPD patients: A randomized controlled trial Kunik, M. E. COPD
Education delivered in groups

Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
COPD symptoms (short term), Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
One session cognitive behavioural therapy for elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Kunik, M. E. COPD
Education delivered in groups

Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques, delivered in groups
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Physical activity / Muscle strenght, Qualiy of life
Impact of clinical pharmacist provided patient education on QOL outcome in type II diabetes mellitus in rural population Kv, Ramanath T2DM
Emotional-based behavioural techniques
Knowledge, Quality of life
A randomized controlled trial of a community nurse-supported hospital discharge programme in older patients with chronic heart failure Kwok, T. Heart Failure
Emotional-based behavioural techniques
Exercise capacity (including effort test), Hospital admissions, Mortality
Chronic disease self-management and cognitive training programme to improve diabetic control in older outpatients with memory complaints: a randomised trial Kwok, T. C. T2DM
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support, lead by peers delivered in groups
Establishment of Blood Glucose Monitoring System Using the Internet Kwon, H. S. T2DM
Monitoring techniques delivered remotely
HbA1C, Lipid profile
Effects of a home-based rehabilitation program in obese type 2 diabetics Labrunee Obesity
Education based intervention
Physical Activity, Weight management
Effects of a home-based rehabilitation program in obese type 2 diabetics Labrunee, M. T2DM
Education based intervention
HbA1C, Lipid profile, Weight (management)
The use of computerized birthday greeting reminders in the management of diabetes Lafata, J. E. T2DM
Monitoring techniques delivered remotely
HbA1C, Lipid profile
Comparison of Health Buddy® with Traditional Approaches to Heart Failure Management LaFramboise, L. M. Heart Failure
Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely

Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques

Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely

Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Exercise capacity (including effort test), Quality of life
Effectiveness of a smartphone application for weight loss compared with usual care in overweight primary care patients: a randomized, controlled trial Laing, B. Y. Obesity
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered remotely
Comorbidities managament, Healthy nutrition habits/personalized nutrition, Physical Activity, Self-efficacy, Weight management
Effect of educational program on quality of life of patients with heart failure: a randomized clinical trial Lakdizaji, S. Heart Failure
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Quality of life
Healthy habits: Efficacy of simple advice on weight control based on a habit-formation model Lally, P. Obesity
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques
Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning, Weight management
Improving quality of life in depressed COPD patients: Effectiveness of a minimal psychological intervention Lamers, F. COPD
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Coping with the disease, including depression and anxiety, Qualiy of life
Treating depression in diabetes patients: Does a nurse-administered minimal psychological intervention affect diabetes-specific quality of life and glycaemic control? A randomized controlled trial Lamers, F. T2DM
Monitoring techniques, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques
HbA1C, Quality of life
A randomised controlled trial of a facilitated home-based rehabilitation intervention in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and their caregivers: the REACH-HFpEF Pilot Study Lang, C. C. Heart Failure
Monitoring, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
Caregiver quality of life, Exercise capacity (including effort test), Hospital admissions, Quality of life, Self-efficacy
Peripheral muscle training with resistance exercise bands in patients with chronic heart failure. Long-term effects on walking distance and quality of life; a pilot study Lans, C. Heart Failure
Monitoring techniques

Education delivered in groups
Adherence to medication or other treatment
Case management in a heterogeneous congestive heart failure population: a randomized controlled trial Laramee, A. S. Heart Failure
Monitoring and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Hospital admissions
Adapting evidence-based behavioral weight loss programs for emerging adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial LaRose, J. G. Obesity
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered remotely

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques delivered in groups
Adherence to programme, Weight management
Cycle Ergometer and Inspiratory Muscle Training in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Larson, Janet L COPD
Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques

Monitoring and action-based behavioural techniques

Education based intervention
COPD symptoms (short term), Lung Function, Physical activity / Muscle strenght