The BMQ is a self-report tool for screening adherence and barriers to adherence. The tool includes a 5-item Regimen Screen that asks patients how they took each medication in the past week, a 2-item Belief Screen that asks about drug effects and bothersome features, and a 2-item Recall Screen about potential difficulties remembering.
Year: 1999
Authors: Svarstad et al.
Disease: Heart Failure
Outcome: Adherence to medication or other treatment
See more tools that use this outcome Measure: Adherence to medication
See more tools that use this measure Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 1
See the RCTs Scale: Higher scores are better, scores range 0-100 Reference: Svarstad, B. L., Chewning, B. A., Sleath, B. L., & Claesson, C. (1999). The Brief Medication Questionnaire: a tool for screening patient adherence and barriers to adherence. Patient education and counseling, 37(2), 113-124.
See more tools that use this outcome Measure: Adherence to medication
See more tools that use this measure Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 1
See the RCTs Scale: Higher scores are better, scores range 0-100 Reference: Svarstad, B. L., Chewning, B. A., Sleath, B. L., & Claesson, C. (1999). The Brief Medication Questionnaire: a tool for screening patient adherence and barriers to adherence. Patient education and counseling, 37(2), 113-124.
Target population: General population
Focus Generic
Translations available: Yes
Original version validated: Yes
Original language: English
Form of delivery: Self-reported
Licence needed: No