


Provision of structured diabetes information encourages activation amongst people with diabetes as measured by diabetes care process attainment: the WICKED Project

Author: Gillani, S. M. Country/countries: N/A Number of patients participating in the study: 14559 This study was focused on patients living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention analysed in the study: Usual Care Plus Intervention components: UCP
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Setting of implementation: N/A Professionals delivering the intervention: N/A Targeted self-management behaviours: N/A
Intervention analysed in the study: Education delivered remotely Intervention components: E+R
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Setting of implementation: Home-care Professionals delivering the intervention: N/A Targeted self-management behaviours: N/A

Outcomes measured in the study

Outcome Measure Tool
Patient activation Patient activation level N/A

Patient characteristics

Age: 64.0 years (+/- a standard deviation of 14.6) Gender: N/A Time since diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: N/A Severity of the disease: N/A Multi-morbidity: N/A
  • Number of co-morbidities: N/A

Level of health literacy: N/A
  • Tool: N/A

Socio-economic characteristics: N/A

Other publications associated with this study

A randomised controlled trial in diabetes demonstrating the positive impact of a patient activation strategy on diabetes processes and HbA1c: The WICKED project Link: 10.15277/bjd.2017.134 Evaluation and assessment of the usefulness of a mail delivered personalised diabetes information booklet and the association of non-response with clinical risk: The WICKED Project Link: 10.15277/bjd.2016.099