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The CRQ-SR is a 20-item questionnaire examines how chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) effects quality of life, and evaluates four dimensions: dyspnea, fatigue, emotional function, and mastery. Items are scored from 1 (most severe) to 7 (no impairment)
Year: 2001
Authors: Williams et al
Disease: COPD
Outcome: COPD symptoms (short term)
See more tools that use this outcome Measure: Dyspnea or breathlessness
See more tools that use this measure Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 3
See the RCTs Scale: Higher scores are better Reference: Williams, J. E., Singh, S. J., Sewell, L., Guyatt, G. H., & Morgan, M. D. (2001). Development of a self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ-SR). Thorax, 56(12), 954-959.
See more tools that use this outcome Measure: Dyspnea or breathlessness
See more tools that use this measure Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 3
See the RCTs Scale: Higher scores are better Reference: Williams, J. E., Singh, S. J., Sewell, L., Guyatt, G. H., & Morgan, M. D. (2001). Development of a self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ-SR). Thorax, 56(12), 954-959.
Target population: General population
Focus Disease specific
Translations available: Yes
Original version validated: Yes
Original language: English
Form of delivery: Self-reported
Licence needed: Yes