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The effect of diabetes self-management education with frequent follow-up on the health outcomes of African American men

Author: Hendricks, L. E. Country/countries: N/A Number of patients participating in the study: 30 This study was focused on patients living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention analysed in the study: Education delivered in groups Intervention components: E+G
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Setting of implementation: Community-based care, Home-care Professionals delivering the intervention: Educator, Nurses, Social worker Targeted self-management behaviours: Condition-specific behaviours, Medication use and adherence, Self-monitoring
Intervention analysed in the study: Education delivered in groups Intervention components: E+G
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Setting of implementation: Community-based care, Home-care Professionals delivering the intervention: Educator, Nurses, Social worker Targeted self-management behaviours: Condition-specific behaviours, Medication use and adherence, Self-monitoring

Outcomes measured in the study

Résultat Mesure Tool
Adherence Medication (or other treatment) adherence N/A
Dietary habits Dietary habits N/A
HbA1C Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) N/A
Knowledge Knowledge N/A
Physical activity Physical activity N/A
Quality of life Quality of life N/A
Self-management behaviours Foot care Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) [Blood Sugar Testing]

Patient characteristics

Age: 58.15 years (+/- a standard deviation of 11.82) Gender: N/A Time since diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: N/A Severity of the disease: 8.09 (+/- a standard deviation of 1.96) Multi-morbidity: N/A
  • Number of co-morbidities: N/A

Level of health literacy: N/A
  • Tool: N/A

Socio-economic characteristics: N/A