Fil d'Ariane


No RCTs were found
Self-management interventions Outcomes measured in the study  
Feasibility of Pairing Behavioral Activation With Exercise for Women With Type 2 Diabetes and Depression: The Get It Study Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Schneider, K. L. T2DM
Monitoring, action-based behavioural techniques and emotional-based behavioural techniques and social support delivered in groups
HbA1C, Physical activity, Self-efficacy, Weight (management)
A continuous glucose monitoring and problem-solving intervention to change physical activity behavior in women with type 2 diabetes: a pilot study Allen, N. T2DM
Monitoring, action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques

Action-based and emotional-based behavioural techniques
Blood-pressure, Dietary habits, HbA1C, Physical activity, Self-efficacy, Weight (management)