


The OWLQOL was designed to complete a full battery of patient-reported outcomes employing different concepts and different types of patient-reported outcome measures. The OWLQOL is intended to be used together and alongside other patient-reported outcomes of functional status, adherence to diet and treatment, and satisfaction with treatment. The OWLQOL measures a person’s global evaluation of position in life related to weight, weight loss, and weight-loss treatment. By using these and other patient-reported outcomes, investigators can address the experience of being overweight and obese and of weight loss on a broad spectrum of issues important to patients, their families, clinicians, regulators, payers, and society in general. The 17 items on the OWLQOL are used with equal weight to derive a single quality of life score.
Year: 2002 Authors: Niero et al Disease: Obesity Outcome: Quality of life-Physical and psychological functioning
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Measure: Quality of Life
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Number of RCTs that used this tool (in our study): 1
See the RCTs
Scale: Higher scores are better Reference: Niero M, Martin M, Finger T, Lucas R, Mear I, Wild D, Glauda L, Patrick DL. (2002). A new approach to multicultural item generation in the development of two obesity-specific measures: the Obesity and Weight Loss Quality of LIfe (OWLQOL) questionnaire and the Weight-Related Symptom Measure (WRSM). Clinical Therapeutics, 24(4), 690-700.
Target population: General population Focus Disease specific Notes Obesity Translations available: Yes Original version validated: Yes Original language: English Form of delivery: Self-reported Licence needed: Yes 10.1016/s0149-2918(02)85144-x